Field Service Webinar – Work Order App Best Practices

Work orders form the core of your field service operation. They drive what you do every day, and they are the key to revenue, customer satisfaction and technician productivity. In this 30-minute webinar, you’ll learn best practices for designing and deploying a mobile work order app. We’ll cover:

  • Work order KPIs and benchmarks
  • Field tech and process considerations
  • How scheduling impacts work order management
  • UI/UX best practices
  • End-user testing


Speaker Bio

Bruce_Breeden_newBruce Breeden has more than 37 years of experience in field service, having held multiple roles including field service engineer, district manager, training manager, global services director and vice president of service operations. As principal consultant and practice leader at Mobile Reach, he works with customers to define and deliver solutions that bring immediate and long-term value. Bruce champions results in field service through comprehensive technician enablement.

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[00:00:00] Mobile Reach: All right, good afternoon everyone. Welcome to the webinar. We are very glad to have you here with us today to talk about best practices for work order management apps. This is actually the first webinar in our field service technician productivity series and we’ll share more information toward the end of today’s session about the other webinars we have planned in this series. But for now, I will go ahead and introduce our two presenters. Today we have Bruce Breeden. Bruce is the principal consultant and practice leader for field service management at Mobile Reach. Bruce consults with customers to understand key business and field processes to find solutions that bring measurable improvements to field service KPIs and ultimately sustain value. Bruce is also central to all aspects of technician enablement at Mobile Reach. Prior to joining Mobile Reach, Bruce was vice president of service operations at Fairbanks Scales and has held just about every role one can hold in field service, actually. Bruce is also the author of “The Intentional Field Service Engineer.” Thanks for joining us today, Bruce.
[00:01:17] Bruce: Thank you.
[00:01:18] Mobile Reach: Justin Beckler is co-founder and chief technology officer of Mobile Reach. He oversees the development and delivery of all Mobile Reach solutions and services across telecom, energy, oil and gas, and all of the various industries we serve. Justin also sets the strategic direction for Mobile Reach products and services. Thanks for joining us today, Justin.
[00:01:40] Justin: Thank you, looking forward to it.
[00:01:40] Mobile Reach: Great, terrific. We have about 30 minutes of content for today including a brief demo of a work order app that actually illustrates the best practices we’ll speak to today. And Justin will walk us through that in just a few minutes. Without further ado, let me go and turn things over to you, Bruce.
[00:01:58] Bruce: Thank you, Dan. Hello everybody. It’s a pleasure to be with you today. Let’s start with the looking at the anatomy of a work order. I like to think of a work order as a process to enable and engage the field service technicians. Work order management is an opportunity to improve productivity as well as their job satisfaction. Work order management has had many benefits and we’ll get into that as the slides progress but I want to cover today is the anatomy of a work order, the key business metrics or KPIs, some considerations from the service technician’s standpoint, as well as the user experience. And then kind of wrap it up in going over the best practices for the entire project in terms of the deployment, the training, the testing, and the entire rollout.
[00:03:00] Bruce: So Back to the anatomy of a work order. Let’s look at it at three distinct steps. The origination, execution, and closure. Obviously, as the customer request comes in, it’s a matter of processing that request to create a work order, verifying the contract warranty, or other entitlements that the customer may have. It routes out to the field technician in the form of a task or multiple tasks. It could actually be multiple tasks and multiple technicians.
[00:03:37] Bruce: There are the assets and equipment to be serviced that is noted on the work order. And of course, the ability to process time, parts, labor travel, parts expenses and or materials on that. The closure aspect of it is about the workflow to approve the work order. The flow to create the invoicing. And ultimately the routing of the reports back into our service organization as perhaps the end user. And some examples of that for example, a report, simply the service report, complete service support. It could also be a specific calibration or inspection type report. But the anatomy is really key to recognize because it becomes the opportunity as a business strategy to really define what your process wants to be if not simply automating what you currently have. So let’s move into another thought before jumping to the slides and adding the value to the customer site. We all know how valuable a field service technician workforce is. And with the movement to address today’s field service requirements, obviously, there are a lot of soft skills involved in field service work. And so a work order can also be looked at as an opportunity to provide instruction, if not direction, to your service team to address some of the soft skills. They may be in selling services, it may be for interactions with the customer generating leads, noting a change in customer contacts and equipment, but oftentimes those are the little things that can get forgotten. And by designing the work order as such, it can be addressed as well as automated.
[00:05:39] Mobile Reach: Excellent That’s perfect Bruce. Now that we have sort of that detailed look at the anatomy of a work order we wanted to go ahead and suggest a poll to everyone on the phone, and ask you all,”How do you currently enable your field technicians to manage work orders?” Great, terrific. Let’s take a look and see what the results are here. It looks like just about two-thirds of them were on the phone today has a mobile app they were using to manage workers. And there’s the balance, of course, is on paper and then a number of you also use spreadsheets which is an interesting solution as well. With that let’s go ahead and jump back into the webinar and take a look at work order KPIs, Bruce.
[00:06:51] Bruce: OK, Thank you. Thank you, everybody, for participating in those polls. It’s good to have grounding of where we stand. The KPIs I think are absolutely essential because by forming a business strategy and a major work process to create a work order, obviously the KPIs are the supporting element of the strategy to actually measure what is getting actually accomplished and we are all about trying to achieve his objective.
[00:07:18] Bruce: So think about the work order as a nucleus of service information. If properly designed, you’ll get information about productivity, financial information, safety data, and could be quality data, it could be the quality of services if not quality of the products being serviced, and, of course, customer satisfaction data. These KPIs are incredibly important, obviously, to address the business strategy. But keep in mind when designing that work order app, it should drive these metrics off that nucleus of information. It’s very valuable to have a good work order process and good work order design to drive this data. Oftentimes, we’ve seen our work orders that are missing a key data element and therefore downstream when we go to measure the business sometimes there are some challenges with that. So I would encourage you to really keep in mind the end result of the KPIs as you design the work order management process itself.
[00:08:28] Bruce: Transitioning to field tech considerations. We have a strong belief in capturing the consideration of the field tech, the mobile worker in the design. And some of these examples here capture things that are on our technicians’ minds and how they get work done and where they get work done. So let’s start with work preferences. Obviously, there are multiple generational needs, whether it’s the baby boomers, gen X-ers, or millennials. We all work a little bit differently and we need to keep in mind the familiarity before deploying a particular solution. From a device type, we all have our preferences there, of course. But you should be able to build one mobile application and deploy it across multiple device types. You know, Android, iOS, Windows and you should be able to help to facilitate the common build. Keystrokes — if you are the best as we all can appreciate, even home screens in the way we go about our daily work. You know it is an important point where each tech has their own way of working right down to how they organize and plan their day. The app’s home screen should be configurable based on their individual preferences.
[00:09:46] Bruce: Moving to Work Conditions. Rain, snow or shine field techs need to be able to see what’s on their screen and enter data quickly and easily. Online or offline — no internet doesn’t mean techs can stop working. Often in some of our sites, techs are not able to connect. The Internet is usually available now but in some cases, there are regulations prohibiting the use of a cellular device. And or they may be underground or something like that it just prohibits the cell coverage. So, offline/online capability is really important to keep productivity moving. Noise, you know, when working in high decibel environments, sometimes you may not hear the alert from the device about a notification. It needs to be visual. It could be physical. So the technician can see the information in a timely fashion even when they are in high decibel environments. And one of the very important points is safety. Our techs climb poles, they use catwalks, and get into tight spaces, and who knows what else. But the apps that enable quick interaction such as using voice to text are optimal. A mobile app should not hamper safety in any way.
[00:11:06] Field processes and workflows — major service tasks, that is the work order, for example, should mold to your existing processes. And if you’re intentionally wanting to re-engineer your process, nevertheless the application should simply automate your desired business process. Knowledge and training in terms of productivity enablement. Then having the right training at the right time in the hands of the field service technician in their working environment is really really important.
[00:11:43] Bruce: It’s going to enhance their productivity and first-time fix rates or a time duration of that service call. Looking at incentives, providing techs with apps that enable full reporting and analytics helps them advance your field service organization to deliver greater value to your business. There are many incentives out there in terms of productivity, safety, selling, and being able to track and provide that information is a level of engagement, and in some form can even be a gamification type solution. When you look at the asset while onsite, it’s always a very productive measure to know what else customer or customer site may have while there for a repair call. For example, they could complete a preventative maintenance call while they’re there and reduce their travel time. So visibility into the equipment that the tech is servicing is really important. And going down to the last part now the customer interaction. Having a service history available to the technicians and seeing what the last service call may have entailed certainly aids in customer empathy as well as a quick diagnosis of a potential problem. We talk about equipment access again about leveraging their time on site with the right information to be able to serve a customer best. Up-selling and cross-selling opportunities. These could be features of the new service program or additional service program if not another product that could be a trade up opportunity. And having that information in our tech’s hands makes a big difference. Finally, escalations and/or the voice of the customer. The value and cost of having a technician on site are best managed by also capturing the voice of the customer. And sometimes the voice of the customer isn’t so pleasant. It may be an escalated type situation. It could be a complaint or simply could be trying to capture good product development feedback for the future in terms of needs and current license and that kind of thing. Again it’s a tool while on site to really enable and engage the field tech into your particular business strategy and plan.
[00:14:07] Bruce: So, now let’s look at enhancing user satisfaction with the product. I joke that in my day in servicing in the field, the product was my company car with all its equipment and FM radio and all that kind of stuff. Nowadays, I think the smartphone is the product of choice and or tablet. Certainly, I don’t travel anywhere without my tablet. But look at it first as process driven. Again, we have touched on this in the sense that you have a strategy. You have a work order management process design to deliver that strategy. And the apps with the technician on their device should obviously follow that distinct process. Again this is where you have the opportunity to incorporate some of the soft-skill type processes that have typically been coached or trained on but never necessarily in the system. Native apps such as GPS for scheduling, tracking of the service technician, and even working back to provide updates to the customer are really important. Image taking — it seems like we’re all using images to complete surveys and inspections as well easily communicate to a customer what it is you’re seeing, if not your own tech support group, you know of problems that you’re seeing. So the user preferences should certainly consider the native apps. And as I mentioned before, whether Windows, Android or Apple iOS, it shouldn’t matter what device that the field tech is using. As things change or have various devices used in various geographies around your enterprise, one system, cross-platform, is the key point.
[00:16:10] Bruce: Now let’s move over to a little bit of the technical considerations system. The ability to build the system rapidly and configure it should not be a major major undertaking. And as things change, as your businesses change in terms of acquisition, divestiture, new product lines coming out and such, you want to be able to have a tool within your system that can easily configure your systems for future needs. Once you have a platform it’s the ability to keep up with the system that doesn’t require extensive IT or operational resources to maintain. And again with thinking about multiple platforms with the device types, it could be going from a tablet to a laptop back to a smartphone or the different versions, you know Apple, Android, etc., you should have a tool, a configuration tool within your system, that allows you to maintain the system and update your system for your future needs. We’ve often found as we enable mobile applications for the techs and the service organization that other ideas come forward. And those seem like nice quick and easy wins for the enterprise because they get ideas from their techs and key line managers in terms of what else they do to engage and improve productivity. And having this configuration tool available to you allows you to quickly address that and expand your systems’ use in other business cases.
[00:17:58] Mobile Reach: Excellent. Perfect, Bruce, that’s a really terrific overview of workers in so far as they are as you say is sort of the operations nucleus for the organization. Before we jump into one last slide on technician engagement and rollout, I want to ask one last poll question and that is “How many field technicians work in your organization?” Terrific. It looks like we have a good range of organization size on the webinar today. We appreciate that. And interestingly enough, it’s always good to note that work orders are work orders, though they have their nuances and their slight differences, at their core there is a similarity to all of them. Appreciate your completion of that poll. Let’s move on, Bruce.
[00:19:05] Bruce: OK. So my last slide here is really the most important message I have in terms of end-user engagement and roll out. I believe this part encompasses the entire project. And if you can’t tell already, I’d just like to say that we truly believe that the voices of the technician have a key role. They’re a mobile worker and they are closest to the customer in our organization. And so our first point is to involve the field technicians, a small group at least, at the earliest stages of your program. I believe that could be in the strategy, particularly if you’re looking to redefine a role for the technician or expand the role for a technician, and capture the voice of the field tech. We talked about the field tech preferences and user experience of the product itself and I think that is easily captured right up front as well as talking through a business strategy of what they can do. I’m always amazed every time I work in the field with a tech at what they know, some of their ideas, what their challenges are.
[00:20:22] Bruce: And it seems like an easy strategy to start with. Identifying what their goals are to make their job more productive and more engaging with your strategy in terms of designing your future process. So we start with the arrow with business strategy and that you’re identifying a strategy, you’re involving the technicians, you’re defining what the role of a technician is. And again it could just be the same. But if you are interested in changing that role for any reason, it could even be on the technical side, you know because they’re going to delineate between technical product lines or something like that. It doesn’t matter. But make sure that your business strategy includes what the technician role is and how to optimize that. Determine the KPIs as we talked about it earlier so that you attain the key results that you’re looking for in this project by involving the field techs. You’re going to identify process impacts. And it’s really important to inventory those process impacts. Those impacts could be for the technician but they could also be for dispatch, they could be for parts management, tech support, or service management. It really doesn’t matter what role. It’s key just to identify who is impacted by this application. And I don’t mean that to be negative. It’s just something different about how they do their jobs. So by identifying and creating this list, the inventory of process impacts, then you begin the change management process. It could be as little as just pre-informing people. It could be as extensive as requiring some real thorough and deep communications, job descriptions and restructuring whatnot.
[00:22:16] Bruce: A lot of different variations of it but by identifying and planning and acting on those processes impacts before the actual deployment of the system is extremely critical in a successful project. I want to add that by using the service technicians involving them in the design stage, you also have that population of folks now that can help you with the user acceptance testing. And in my experience, we’ve even used field service technicians in product quality testing from time to time. And they provide very helpful testing. But certainly, involve that same technician group and actually helping out to design in the UAT phase, user acceptance testing. And that population of techs can also be used for the train the trainer approach. And if not that, at the very least, providing field support for people who have been trained who are still struggling or later as you hire new technicians and/or you upgrade the system, you now have an indebted population of field service techs that not only are the champion of the system, they’re the people that can help train and help support and get folks who are somewhat challenged, if not just plain new with the organization, forward. So when you the project in terms of strategy, design, testing, deploy, iterate across your geographies, it’s really important to keep the voice of the technician front and center in all of those phases. And I think they can provide a very useful role in that.
[00:24:00] Mobile Reach: Thank you, Bruce. Excellent, excellent insight. Let’s shift gears and actually move into a brief demo of an actual work order app that exemplifies a lot of these best practices that Bruce was espousing so Justin I will turn the presentation over to you so you can walk us through the demo.
[00:24:20] Justin: Thanks. So as we were just discussing from a from a product perspective, I will just walk you through a couple different examples of field service mobile applications and field service use cases. And sort of just starting, what you’re looking at right now is an actual iPad that I’ve paired with my laptop in order to show it on this presentation. And then from there, I can drop back out to the to the main screen, you’ll see that there’s a there’s a general icon that launches you into sort of the dashboard. So this is the view that your field techs would see after they log into the Mobile Reach application. From there, depending on their roles in the system, they would get one or more of these applications or icons that they could launch into. And getting back to what Bruce was just talking about in terms of really focusing these applications on your workflows and what the techs are actually doing out in the field is going to be critical to the success. So these are just examples. We’ve got a tool called the App Studio that Bruce talked about earlier that allows us to take these template applications and mold them to your internal processes. So starting off with the work order application which we call work tasks in this example. So when you first come into the application there’s a number of ways you can view this data and this application, in particular, has two views setup. The first is just a traditional list view or you can have a listing of tickets.
[00:26:08] Justin: Each of these tabs across the top in this particular app is set up for my open work order tickets as well as my group of tickets. So from here no I can do a number of things I can group I can soar. And if I wanted to come in and look at these based on priority ranking or range. these any number of list now on the bottom right hand corner there’s an icon where I can actually look at this and a little bit different view so I can transition over to our map view. This is where pin drops represent my actual task or tickets in the system, work orders. And then from here, I can actually use some location-based information about how long is it going to take me to travel to this particular work order and this job site. What’s the distance and travel duration? You can also add turn-by-turn instructions or you can jump in this particular example into the app and see sort of some details there into this particular work order and see details of this of this task. And so this and this example is sort of a merging of the work order and the task so you have some general information about the work order as well as information about the task in the same view. So it’s a very much a consolidated view. They don’t have to go into work order separate. From here, they can navigate through a number of choices depending on the state. And in this case this work order task I’ve actually already accepted it. So what I see is state buttons or transition buttons to start travel or start work.
[00:27:56] Justin: So I have a choice to go ahead and activate either one of those stages. So when I hit start travel it’s going to timestamp my travel start date, then move it to work in progress, and from here maybe I need to get directions because when I go and travel to the site. So I can just the directions button and then launch me right into the map application, Google Maps or Apple Maps depending what device I’m using. And then once I arrive on site then I can start work which actually timestamps the start time. And there are a number of ways that you can keep track of time as well. And this one’s more of an automated transitioning of the work and the data that’s associated with the activities they’re performing. I could also take a look at the site before I arrive embedded into the application. I have sort of an overview of what my route is going to be or what my optimal route might be. I can get actual textual instructions that are not in this application but that’s another option that you can enable. And then across the top, I might want to also before I leave I want to see what parts do I need to take with me to the site in order to resolve this. And one of the things, in this case, I might realize is that while this task may be the dispatcher set up this particular requirement.
[00:29:25] Justin: I can actually add additional part requirements as well. So if I need to search my parts catalog and go ahead and say well actually any one of these hard drives or whatever the case might be and I’m going to actually go on them no I’m going to be back on site on Monday, so I’m going to give myself some time to actually go pick this up. And so I can go in and create that part requirement there. So that’s an example and obviously, each of these transitions throughout the ticket, if I open a work in progress, then you know those transition buttons where I start travel or start work have disappeared because this ticket or this work order is actually in a different state. But if I go my closure tab it’s going to allow me to close and complete. And if I try to close it’s going to force the field tech to enter a certain level of work notes. There are validations that can kick off in the background or validate certain parts of the ticket. And then from here I can go ahead and close complete this. I could use the built-in speech to text functionality. “This issue has been resolved.” And now I can go ahead and close complete. So that was kind of a quick overview of a work order mobile app. Sort of related to work orders. we also have very quickly an example of a job safety request. And this might be in relationship to the work order. I arrive on site and I’m going to have some sort of inspection. In this case, it’s a job safety assessment of the site before I actually perform my work.
[00:31:11] Justin: From here I have a number of checklists or procedures that I have to perform that I can come through and just check these off. Identify some key dates. Go to my Permits tab. You know maybe there’s certain permits I have to evaluate and make sure that I have everything in order for the site in terms of tools and equipment. You know this could also be an assessment of my vehicle to make sure I can actually safely travel to the site. We have a lot of customers that you know do work in pretty diverse areas and travel long distances. So they want to make sure their vehicle can get them there. And then here once I arrive on site, and you know this might be my signature or signature of a site supervisor. I can go ahead and snap some photos or remove photos in this case. I’ve got an example here I’ve gone and used the mockup tools that are built into our attachment control that allows me to kind of come in and draw on this and mock up a particular site or whatever the case might be. I might have instructions I can launch into PDFs and edit PDFs. So there are a number of things I can do from an inspection perspective. And then save that and it will be updated to the system. And last is really just from a branding perspective and showing the flexibility of the Mobile Reach solution and ensuring that you can really mold this into something that looks like your application and your styling.
[00:32:52] Justin: This is just a very simple example of how we took some inspections and work order application and you know we have a background that looks very different than the previous applications I showed you because it doesn’t have tabs. But it’s more driven into large buttons that just make it easier for the technician to operate while they’re out in the field. When I jump into a particular inspection it will take me through and you’ll see across the bottom again a set of tabs I have a number of different view buttons that allow the screen to kind of transition to a different set of information or data collection. And then here in this in this particular example, I’ve got a number of fields where I actually again sign off on this. And then what we have in this app is actually a report that gets generated based off of the data entered into this inspection record. When I hit generate report, it’s going to allow me to sort of create a PDF summary of that report and email it to maybe directly to the customer or my contact for the site. Or in some cases you know. I’m just going to actually save this to the work order. But what it does is it generates or extracts all the information out of my actual application record and puts it into a format that maybe the customer is more familiar with. Some of our customers will use this and leave it behind as sort of a summary of the work order that was performed. So it’s very useful for communicating to your customers and having a consolidated view or consolidated record of the work that was performed. Obviously, if anyone has anyone has any questions or wants to find out more happy to do a personalized demo.
[00:34:57] Mobile Reach: Excellent. Thank you, Justin, I appreciate that. Appreciate the reminder also to ask questions. This is actually a perfect opportunity folks to submit questions as you have them about either the demo that Justin presented or the content that Bruce presented. We’ll start with a couple that have been submitted already and we’re happy to entertain additional questions as-as they come in. So, Bruce, the first one here is for you I believe. “What’s a good number of field technicians to involve in piloting a new work order app.”.
[00:35:34] Bruce: Very Good question. I would answer that looking first at the strategy and design phase. And I’ll make my point here in a second. I think it’s relatively few people in the strategy and design. Again independent of not knowing the organizational size but by keeping some input from a small group, you then validate those inputs with key stakeholders in other geographically placed line managers and technicians. So you see the group from the strategy standpoint. And then you validate that and grow the group as you complete your strategy if you will. When it actually comes to phasing for the pilot, then that’s another opportunity to scale up the number of technicians involved. Particularly as it’s closest to their planned go-live date because you don’t want to do it too early, either. You want to do it close to the Go Live so that they retain that information. So for the pilot, I would recommend you double the size of the actual strategy group.
[00:36:56] Bruce: And that way they get experience and the actual go live is not such a sudden shock. But testing makes a big difference. As I said earlier today, that the technicians are really good at catching some problems that the design team didn’t necessarily think about. And so at the pilot stage, it’s good to have more. Again and it depends if the company has 500 technicians or 20 technicians. But you know just scaled appropriately the 500 technicians I would have 20 or so people in on the pilot project for that particular geography. Say the United States and moving into the United Kingdom or you know another country. They’re really the same amount for that group of technicians.
[00:37:44] Mobile Reach: OK. Very good. Next question is it more of a technical question. Justin will give this one to you. It’s about the code behind what’s generated in App Studio. The question is, “Do you offer the App Studio code for the apps that you demoed.”.
[00:38:03] Justin: Yeah. So a couple of things to answer that. One, we do include a number of mobile applications, sort of template applications with our product that you get access to. The other aspect of it is like I mentioned you have the App Studio which is a tool we provide to our customers, and it allows you to support or make changes to those template applications or create completely new applications. So yeah, the answer is yes we do provide that and it is accessible. It’s not a programming effort in the traditional sense where you’re writing lines of code. It’s very much a drag and drop sort configuration process.
[00:38:48] Mobile Reach: OK, very good. I appreciate that. The next question is about training and onboarding. Bruce will give this one to you. “In terms of techs, you mentioned techs providing new hire training. “How do you ensure the techs who are doing the training have the knowledge they need.”.
[00:39:05] Bruce: Another great question. I think about quality. You know the train the trainer part of the project is really key. And again, if I have test scripts for the UAT that the techs tests in. And then later that forms the basis of the training material, is really important. So the material and the quality of the training or online type training really supports the quality of them being trainers. And how not every technician was born to be a trainer. So identifying the right core set of skills for a person and not putting them an uncomfortable position is also key. So when you look at testing and then training, you know identifying the right tech with great core skill set and giving that person the right documentation and support is really important. And I would also add to the question that the number one piece of feedback I was receiving leading service organization was for new hires coming in that their biggest frustration was getting appropriate training at the right time on how to use their work order system. Because it can be frustrating for any person so we want to focus on successful onboarding of key personnel to get to productivity which has been the theme of our discussions today is enabling the field tech and engaging the tech to have a better result in productivity and customer experience. And so quality training by the right people in the right language with the right documentation is obviously very important.
[00:40:55] Mobile Reach: Excellent. Next question is again more of a technical one. Justin, we’ll give this to you. When you were talking about parts submission in the demo the question is, “Can that drive a purchase order in the ERP system that we’re integrated with?”.
[00:41:14] Justin: Yeah, absolutely. A lot of times that can depend on the ERP system and if the functionality exists there. But yeah, in general, that you’re essentially just creating a part request that can get fulfilled by your backend individual who might know either source the part internally and transfer it. We also saw a screen for transfer orders. So that would be where were you would get a notification indicating the part was being transferred and then from there it would show up. And then you’d be able to receive it, once you go to the parts depot and actually take possession of it and gets transferred into your personal stockroom dependent again on how your system handles that. But that’s a general process. The other aspect to that would be where instead of sourcing it internally, you’d have to place an order for it. And then from there, once it comes and gets received into the warehouse, then you get notified to come and pick it up.
[00:42:18] Mobile Reach: And we have time for one last question we’ll wrap it up with this and then we’ll move on with future webinars in the series. Bruce talked a little bit about soft skills, upsells, cross-sells when the technician is on site. The question is there an on-demand reporting of some kind that you could show to the customer. I know you had referenced the PDF capability. We’ll push that one to you, Justin.
[00:42:46] Justin: Okay. Yeah. Yeah actually that’s what I would say would be you can generate a PDF on demand at the customer site. Now the format would have to be worked out ahead of time. You know you want to generate that on a mobile device but the idea is you could design a PDF. You can make that PDF template available to your field techs through the mobile application. And then when they need to present sort of a summary of the work or a report of the actual work being performed, or you know whatever data you want to present, that can be leveraged in order to extract information out of the application and present it to the customer in a way that they understand so that they can actually sign right into the PDF. Sometimes it’s confusing to kind of hand your app, your internal application, to your customer and have them you know have to know how to use it and how to get to the information that they want and then provide a sign-off. So a lot of customers will leverage that PDF as a way to to get that sign-off and get that summary of information in a more in a more familiar format.
[00:44:04] Mobile Reach: Excellent. Thank you, Justin. We’re just about out of time. I wanted to give 30 seconds on Mobile Reach. We provide mobile apps via a platform that optimizes field service operations for medium and large enterprises around the world. Upcoming in our webinar series, we do have three more webinars. You can see the schedule here on your screen. In July we’ll be talking about lessons learned from field service software deployments that will be a panel session. In October, we have a session on training for field techs and how to train them both with hard and soft skills. And then lastly we have a Septemeber webinar or how to use consulting services for field service organizations. And then lastly you can register for all those webinars at and we have a variety of other valuable resources for you to consume as needed. Podcasts, white papers, case studies and the like. Bruce, Justin let me thank you both for your time today. I greatly appreciate the insight. It was a pleasure having you both. Thanks, everybody, for being on the call. We appreciate it. Have a good afternoon everybody. Thank you very much.